Organic Study Time KidSafe Essential Oil 10 mL
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Organic Study Time KidSafe Essential Oil 10 mL


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SKU: 680912014588 Category:

Help your child stay on task by focusing on what’s in front of them. Whether they struggle at school or lack focus at home, Organic Study Time can help. The essential oils found in this blend are calming to the mind and very balancing for your mood. This incredible blend is created using undiluted KidSafe essential oils of Petitgrain, Bergamot, Atlas Cedarwood, Pink Grapefruit, Lavender, and Vetiver, which combine for a powerful boost in focus for kids (and adults). The balancing and calming oils used in Organic Study Time are the perfect combination to help keep kids on the right track and sharpen their focus. Help keep your child on task using this amazing blend and homework will seem like a breeze!

This blend is made with only USDA Certified Organic essential oils. That means that this blend is free from GMOs and the plants the oils come from grow freely without the aid of synthetic fertilizers and in soil that is clean of prohibited substances, such as harmful pesticides.


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