“Happy Trails” Landscape Embroidery Kit
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“Happy Trails” Landscape Embroidery Kit


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SKU: 7712086 Category:

This gorgeous landscape embroidery craft kit is a fun, challenging project to get lost in. It features dynamic textures, surprising stitches, and rich colors. There is an online video tutorial to help guide stitchers, but I would not suggest this design for crafters new to hand embroidery.

The embroidery kit includes:
* Blue fabric, permanently stamped with the template
* A 6 inch wood embroidery hoop
* Hand embroidery needles 
* 18 colors of DMC cotton embroidery floss 
* Color printed embroidery pattern 
* A copy of the Beginner Guide

The simple embroidery pattern includes a link to the video tutorial on YouTube, stitch and color keys and a color close up photo of stitched pattern.

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