Delicate Roses Beginner Embroidery Kit
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Delicate Roses Beginner Embroidery Kit


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SKU: W175176 Category:

This funny craft kit makes a great gift for crafty friends and family, no matter their needlepoint experience. The kit is packaged in a clear reusable bag so customers can easily see the quality of the contents before purchase.

The embroidery kit includes:
* White cotton fabric, printed with the design in color. These guidelines are permanent. 
* One 5 inch hand embroidery hoop 
* Hand embroidery needles
* A floss card with 12 colors of DMC cotton hand embroidery floss. 
* The color printed embroidery pattern 
* A copy of the Beginner Guide
The embroidery pattern includes a color and stitch key with DMC floss numbers, suggested stitch order, and the design ready to trace for future project.

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