Around Our Table: Blank Recipe Book with Recipe Cards

Around Our Table: Blank Recipe Book with Recipe Cards


SKU: 9781950968312 Category:

A modern heirloom recipe book to organize and preserve your family’s most cherished meals.

Around Our Table is a blank cookbook prepared to house your family’s favorite recipes. Preserve not only recipes, but important family memories created around the dinner table within a gorgeous hardcover and beautifully formatted pages.

• 138 Recipe Pages to record prep time, serving size, ingredients, instructions, and memories or additional notes about each dish
• Organized Dividers with Tabs: 7 sections broken up by food category to make it easy to find what you’re looking for
• 20 4×6 Index Cards: Write down recipes you might want to remove and share with others
• Plastic Sleeves and Pocket: Additional space to save recipes that have been passed down
• Durable Cover: Stylish and study cover that is wipeable and will hold up in the kitchen

Hardcover: 144 pages
Durable cover, covered spiral, recipe cards

CATEGORIES: books, kitchen

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