The Original Butter BellĀ® Crock – Hand Painted Raised Floral

The Original Butter BellĀ® Crock – Hand Painted Raised Floral


Only 2 left in stock

Only 2 left in stock

SKU: BB-HPRFS Category:

Decorated with a delicate raised floral pattern around the base of the crock, this timeless classic was the first Butter Bell crock to be offered by L. Tremain in 1996, and is still one of the most sought after butter crocks ever created. The beautiful hand painted design brings the color and vibrance of spring flowers to the dining table. The word ā€œbutterā€ is cast on one side, while the French word for butter ā€“ ā€œbeurreā€ is cast on the opposite side, in keeping with the signature pattern of L. Tremain butter crocks.

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