Gourmet Food Solutions, Inc. – Langues de Chat (Vanilla Wafer Cookies) | Oui Love It 3.5oz
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Gourmet Food Solutions, Inc. – Langues de Chat (Vanilla Wafer Cookies) | Oui Love It 3.5oz


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SKU: OUI LangDeChat Category:

Langues de chat (litterally, "cat's tongues") are tiny crispy oval wafers the French are very fond of. A perfect accompaniment to ice cream, fruit salad or simply a cup of tea.

The origins of the Langue de Chat Cookie remain a mystery. Based on the ingredients and the cooking technique used to create these divine Cookies, it is believed that the very first Langues de Chat came out of a French oven in the 17th century! Regardless of who created it, these Langues de Chat Cookies are delightfully delicious and are perfect for dunking or enjoying with ice cream!

Family-owned Oui Love It was founded by a globe-trotting French couple, Isabelle and Bruno, with the initial aim to keep their children connected with classic French cookies.

100 grams / 3.5 oz

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