Cozy Cocoa Festive Gift Set – 140g Double Truffle

Cozy Cocoa Festive Gift Set – 140g Double Truffle


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SKU: GCHOKFS Category:

The elves back in The Village have created a fun new gift selection featuring our incredibly popular hot chocolates. Our Festive Cozy Cocoa Kit contains 140g of our Double Truffle Hot Chocolate mix – enough for 4 generous mugs, mini marshmallows to sprinkle on top and 4 peppermint flavored Festive Candy Stir Sticks to add extra sweetness. Beautifully packaged in a wonderfully decorated gift box, of course! 24cm H x 28cm W x 3.2cm D (9.4" H x 11" W x 1.2" D)

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