Grace Is Enough: Devotional for Women

Grace Is Enough: Devotional for Women


SKU: 9781950968121 Category:

A 30-Day Christian Devotional to Help Women Turn Anxiety and Insecurity into Confidence.

In a time where we all feel the burdens of the heavy world around us, this daily devotional for women offers everyday hope in the storm of anxiety and insecurity.

Grace Is Enough features:
• 30 days of devotional passages featuring the author’s personal essays and Bible stories to help you ease common anxieties and insecurities, like feeling unqualified, jealous, fearful, restless, or overwhelmed
• Original prayers and personal reflections to help you process your own thoughts and feelings
• Modern artwork and minimalist design

“Grace is Enough is filled with daily truth to fight the lies of the world with God’s truth, prayer and real-life encouraging messages to bring you into a life filled with His peace.” – Sadie Robertson Huff

Author: Courtney Fidell
Paperback: 204 pages

CATEGORIES: books, devotional books, Christian gifts, Christian, gifts for women

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